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If you've never thought about cooking ground beef in microwave, then this post is gonna blow your mind!

It saves you time, effort, and all you need are two things – a microwave and some ground beef!

I can't tell you the number of times I've used this trick to whip up a quick high protein dinner for myself while living alone. And the best part is that you can't even tell the difference between the microwaved version and the pan-fried one.

Have you ever accidentally cooked mince in microwave while trying to defrost frozen ground beef and freaked out since you thought it was dangerous. Well turns out you could have been wrong since it's actually totally safe to do so.

Why more people don't cook ground beef in the microwave is a mystery to me!

how to cook mince in microwave

Cooking Ground Beef In Microwave

Whether it's for Taco Tuesdays or Spaghetti Sundays, this method will definitely be your go-to from today onwards.

I always try to keep some cooked ground beef in my fridge in case I need to make a super quick dinner recipe such as mince spaghetti or a taco casserole.

These are my favourite lazy keto meals with ground beef.

Can you cook ground beef in microwave?

Absolutely. As long you make sure that the internal temperature of the ground beef reaches 160F it's perfectly safe and delicious.

According to this source 160F internal temperature or 'well done' was the optimal level minced beef had to reach in order to kill the microflora and make the ground beef safe to consume.

I use the high-power setting in my microwave and cook it in small increments to make sure the beef is cooked properly all the way through.

Why should you use a microwave to cook ground beef?

For starters, it's faster and cooks the meat in just a few minutes. It's less messy and you don't have to spend hours cleaning the splatters off your stove top and your pans.

It's also an ideal method for people who are living alone and don't have access to a gas-stove or if you are in college and only own a microwave for all of your cooking needs. That way you can also enjoy some delicious, tenderly cooked ground beef.

ground beef in microwave

How to store microwaved ground beef in the fridge and how long will it last?

If you want to store cooked ground beef, you should wrap it tightly with aluminium foil or keep it in an air-tight container before placing it in the refrigerator.

As long as you properly package it, microwaved mince beef can easily last for 3-4 days in the fridge. However, if you're placing it in the freezer (below 0F), it will last for 3-4 months!

Note – Make sure you refrigerate your ground beef within one to two hours after cooking. Any more and the beef will only last for 1-2 days in the fridge and may not be safe to consume, especially if you live in a warm climate.

Is it safe to cook meat in microwave?

Cooking raw ground beef in a microwave is safe as long as you reach the internal temperature of 160F (80C).

These temperatures are necessary to reach in order to kill any E Coli. You may want to use a meat thermometer for this.

Do I season the ground beef before or after cooking it in the microwave?

For a stronger and more distinct flavor it is recommended to add the seasoning after cooking.

The reason is that you will be losing a lot of liquid from oil and water during the cooking process and some of the seasoning will just wash off and leave you with bland ground beef.

Can you cook ground beef from frozen in a microwave?

No, you need to defrost the meat first by either letting it defrost in your fridge overnight or thawing it in a bowl of room temp water to speed up the process of defrosting.

How To Brown Ground Beef In Microwave:

Let's now go through the instructions on how to cook mince in microwave.

What You'll Need:
1/2 lb ground beef

how to cook ground beef in microwave


1. Defrost the ground beef in the fridge overnight. If you're using fresh ground beef, you should skip this step.

2. Place the ground beef into a microwave-safe colander. Now place the colander into another microwave-safe bowl. The reason we're doing this is so that when the beef starts to cook, the fat will drip onto the bowl under the colander instead of being mixed in with the beef.

3. With your microwave set at the highest power, cook the ground beef for 1 minute.

4. After 1 minute, take the beef out and mix it around a bit with a spoon or a fork. Break up the ground beef into smaller pieces so that they cook more evenly. Place it back into the microwave and cook for another minute.

5. Repeat this process until the beef is no longer pink and the meat has cooked through the way you like it. You can even use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of the ground beef to make sure it's at 160-165F.

6. Finally, take your deliciously cooked ground beef out of the microwave and add it to your tacos, burritos, hamburgers, or even eat it straight out of the bowl!

Prep Time 1 minute

Cook Time 5 minutes

Total Time 5 minutes


  • 1/2 lb ground beef


  1. Place ground beef in a microwave safe bowl.
  2. Set the microwave on a high power and cook for 1 minute
  3. After 1 min, take out the mince and mix and break it up with a fork.
  4. Cook for another minute, then take out and stir with a fork again to break it up into small pieces.
  5. Keep repeating this process until the internal temp of your beef reaches 160F and there are no longer any pink bits. This should take 5=8 minutes depending on your microwave power.
  6. Take out, drain the fat using a small colander and add to your chosen recipe or just enjoy on it's own, straight out the bowl!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 308 Total Fat: 20g Saturated Fat: 7g Trans Fat: 1g Unsaturated Fat: 9g Cholesterol: 101mg Sodium: 103mg Carbohydrates: 0g Fiber: 0g Sugar: 0g Protein: 31g

Recipe ideas for microwave ground beef:

  • Ground beef enchiladas
  • Mince curry
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Ground beef casserole
  • Beef tacos
  • Sloppy Joes
  • Nachos with ground beef

How long do you cook ground beef in the microwave?

The total time the beef should be cooked for is about 5-6 minutes but it also depends on how powerful your microwave is. Mine is 1200 watts and the ground beef takes 5 minutes to be fully cooked.

Why is my microwave ground beef dry?
To avoid having to eat dry and tasteless ground beef you may want to add a splash of oil to your cooked mince and stir it in with a fork to evenly spread the oil.


Browning ground beef in microwave is quite popular nowadays since it cuts down on the cooking time and you also get to avoid the messy aftermath of pan-fried cooking.

You can even store them in small zip lock bags and place them in the freezer to use for another day. Convenience all the way! So give this microwave mince a try and share your thoughts in the comments below!

how to cook ground beef in microwave


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